Plataforma: PC
Calidad: DVD
Formato: ISO
Tamaño: 10.91 GB
Fecha: 15-12-2013

Metro: Last Light is an apocalyptic shooter whose action takes place in the basement of Moscow. After suffering the consequences of a nuclear war , Earth is polluted and the surface of the planet has become uninhabitable .
Metro: Last Light combines first-person action with phases in which you must opt for stealth, all seasoned with some Quick Time Events and the less oppressive atmosphere .
Take on hordes of nasty bugs
By Metro : Last Light play as Artyom , in which way bugs of all kinds, some of them with powerful telepathic powers that may eventually drive you crazy will cross.
Artyom will have a broad range of weapons at your disposal , such as an assault rifle , a sniper rifle , a shotgun or a light machine gun . All weapons can be upgraded by adding silencers or enhancing their reach.
Throughout Metro: Last Light will go collecting ammunition. You can use it to shoot or as currency for other objects (knives , grenades , etc. ... ) . The scenarios are riddled with special ammunition and hidden notes that will give more clues about what is happening on the planet.
Metro: Last Light is a very linear gameplay and freedom of movement is limited. The only major decision you must make is whether you want to attack the enemy frontally , at close range , or opt for stealth and asaltarles when they least expect it .
As for difficulty levels , Metro : Last Light has three. The higher the level , the less I find ammo and the enemies will be harder to peel.
Stealth action equally
As a good shooter , Metro : Last Light shows a first ideal person to follow the action . Pressing a button activates the compass . With another , flashlight, which becomes an effective weapon against enemies photosensitive .
In fact, both the light and the presence of toxic gas in the surface are two elements that have a big influence on the game . From the way you interact with them will depend in part the success of your mission.
Metro: Last Light can be controlled with keyboard and mouse or a controller . Personally, we chose the combination of keyboard and mouse, unbeatable if we talk about first person shooters .
One of the most notable gameplay aspects of Metro: Last Light is the combination of direct action scenes and scenes that require a more stealthy touch, a bit like what is seen in Dishonored .
Metro: Last Light includes some sequences Quick Time Events you need to press the right button at the right time . These scenes give the game an incredible degree of showmanship.
awesome graphics
The technical aspect of Metro: Last Light is amazing , especially the graphics .
The level of detail is so high that you'll be enthralled with textures , facial expressions or movements . Not to mention the wrinkles on the faces of your enemies or dust that permeates everything.
The scenarios are wet and gloomy , as one would expect from an abandoned subway. Rats , columns, pipes ... especially attentive to detail .
A note also the cinematic approach that has Metro: Last Light , especially in cutscenes .
The music , how could it be otherwise , helps create an oppressive atmosphere and keep the tension at all times based on a combination of gloomy melodies and powerful guitar playing .
Terrifying action and a story to match
Metro: Last Light is a great game that knows how to combine style action Call of Duty with stealth and that covers everything from a well basted story, full of surprises. All with superb graphics and sound to the band height .
Although it has some shortcomings , such as being too straight or not having a co-op , this is one of the games of the year .
Last modified: 29/07/13

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